Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Game About Crab Fishing?

Yep, that's right. The "great minds" in the Video Game Industry have decided that it would be a Good Thing for the masses to receive Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm, a game that puts you in the wheelhouse of a 100+ foot-long crab boat, with your own idiosyncratic crew, chosen from a pool of real crab fishermen. Sponsored by Sig Hansen, captain of the Northwestern, an actual crab boat (which you can captain in-game), Alaskan Storm promises a marriage of realistic crab fishing, and gaming entertainment.

As a Deadliest Catch fan myself, I feel more than comfortable saying that while some people may refer to the game's subject matter as boring, or non-entertaining, the ideal version of Alaskan Storm would be as entertaining as the show, which showcases the action on deck, dealing with all of the problems that fishing for finnicky crab in the middle of the Bering Sea presents, such as a broken hydraulic crane, or crew injuries, or even, god forbid, a man overboard.

My hopes are high for Alaskan Storm. If the game lives up to the developers' promises, It'll be a great way to pass the time between seasons of Deadliest Catch for us non-addicts, and perhaps bring some gamers into our fold.

Deadliest Catch Season 4 Premieres next Tuesday at 9PM on the Discovery Channel, and Alaskan Storm is slated for release in April of 2008, for XBox 360 and PC.

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